Faith Formation has as its goal to bring Catholics of all ages closer to God and guiding them in their development of a disciple’s heart as well as fostering the mind for a lifelong relationship to the Triune God and Christ’s Church.
EDGE is a program of Life Teen (grade 7-8) that makes Jesus Christ the center of everything we do. We make faith formation relatable to the youth and show that Jesus Christ is relatable to who they are and what they want to become.
Life Teen is a youth ministry (grade 8 – 12) that makes Jesus Christ the center of EVERYTHING we do.
In this program we make the faith relatable to the youth. We show that Jesus Christ is essential to who they are and what they want to become. We all want the best for our youth: that they would be successful, responsible, caring, giving, happy adults, that is, engaged disciples of Jesus
Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist takes place in the context of parish Faith Formation sessions and special (retreat) days of preparation.
During the period of preparation, at least one parent/guardian accompanies the child to sessions that focus on celebrating the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist for the first time and living it out for the rest of their lives.
Preparation for these sacraments is a two-year process, with the child receiving the sacraments in the second consecutive year of enrollment.
Preparation for Confirmation is a two-year process, with the Sacrament being received in the second consecutive year of enrollment (typically in the Spring of 9th grade).
In addition to Faith Formation sessions, candidates for Confirmation participate in a retreat and sessions that focus on celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation and living as a disciple of Jesus Christ in the world.