Classroom Program K-4th grade: A weekly program which meets on-site at the Faith and Family Center located at the former St. Elizabeth of Hungary Elementary School on our St. Elizabeth of Hungary Campus. These weekly sessions are designed to prepare our children for walking as disciples of Jesus through their study of Prayer and Worship, the Holy Scriptures, and a Virtuous life. Our program is built around the tenants of pray, listen, reflect, and live!
This program is offered at three different times to better accommodate your family schedule. Select the session that best meets your family schedule for the entire year.
All classes meet on-site at Triumph of the Holy Cross Faith and Family Center located in the former St. Elizabeth Elementary School on our St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church campus.
J.U.M.P.S. Jesus, YoU and Me Pray the Scriptures is a weekly program for the 5th and 6th grade student. It is an on-site program that meets simultaneous to the Elementary Session at the Faith and Family Center located at the former St. Elizabeth of Hungary Elementary School. J.U.M.P.S. meets on-site at Triumph of the Holy Cross Faith and Family Center at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church campus located in the former St. Elizabeth Elementary School, Same time's as the K-4th sessions but in a separate wing in the Faith and Family Center.
Our fifth and sixth grade program is uniquely designed to help the upper elementary student, the 5th and 6th grader, jump from elementary school into our Middle School EDGE Youth Ministry Program.
As we start the year, each fifth-grade student will be given a Great Adventure Bible to use throughout their middle and high school years.
During each session the 5th and 6th grade student will learn about our Salvation and our Faith through a deep dive into the scriptures through study, prayer, group activities, and so much more
The students will meet once a week for 1.5 hours each evening August -April.
Program Times
TUESDAY: Grades K-6 (weekly) Starting August thru April 5:30-7:00 PM
WEDNESDAY: Grades K-6 (weekly) Starting August thru April 5:00-6:30 PM
THURSDAY: Grades K-6 (weekly) Starting August thru April 6:00-7:30 PM EDGE Youth Ministry for Middle School7th & 8th grade:
Edge will meet on alternating Mondays. This program will meet on our St. Thomas a' Becket church campus and utilize Vincentian Hall the Youth Room and the Annex. EDGE is the first steps in preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation, as well as, helping to form them for a life of discipleship. Edge provides a springboard which invites the young person to develop and to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
What is EDGE:
Edge takes our middle schoolers deeper into our faith with games, skits, talks, and worship, all in an environment that builds community and friendships.
The program will have options for service and other group activities. Within Edge there will be some at-home components and other group gatherings/retreats.
EDGE meets approximately 2x monthly.
Triumph of the Holy Cross celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation is anticipated for the spring of ninth grade. Please see the Sacrament Information section.
Home study
This is a hybrid program for K-8th grade which has weekly home instruction and on-line work requiring regular check-ins and attendance at Family Nights.
Parents are the primary catechists of their children and our Faith Formation programs are designed to assist parents with this task. Parents always have the option to teach their children at home. We are especially sensitive to the needs of each family as they navigate the challenge of navigating family life schedules.
Risking stating the obvious, the demands and discipline of a home study-program can be tricky and does require some planning and scheduling. These bi-monthly check-ins are helpful to keep families on track when scheduled home meeting times get waylaid.
We will provide the textbooks and the assignments that will be turned in periodically through the portals that accompanies the materials. Other curricula can be used with consultation with the Director of Faith Formation
This program is not recommended for any student preparing for the reception of First Sacraments.
Materials for home study use will be available for pickup during our family gathering in late August.
Sacrament of Confirmation For all students that are in 9th grade+. REGISTER using the SACRAMENT REGISTRATION FORM. There is a $50 Sacrament Year Registration Fee which covers costs for the retreat and other materials that are used throughout the year.
Family Nights Family Nights are for ALL students and their families. Students should be accompanied by a parent or significant adult and younger or older siblings are welcome.
Family Jr. Nights are geared towards K-6th Grade community. Family Nights are geared towards 7th-12th Grade.
Home study families are asked to attend whatever night fits best for your family