Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are commissioned to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion to the homebound or hospitalized. Through fostering a relationship with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, the Extraordinary Minister is responsible for bringing two people together – Jesus and the communicant.
The Ladies of Charity is an international organization founded by Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise DeMarillac, dedicated to helping anyone in need.
Their projects include: Welcome Ministry Support at Funerals, cards to the bereaved, cards to the homebound, lunches for Intersection, and assisting with parish events when requested.
The purpose of the Marian Singers ministry is to bring hope and joy to those in nursing homes (or assisted living facilities) by leading the residents with hymns. The residents in these facilities are encouraged to sing along.
This is a come as you are available ministry with no practices or requirement to attend any or every event. We will just contact you with a date, time and place and the choice to attend is yours.
This fun group welcomes any stitchers (crocheters & knitters) and meets on Mondays at Noon in the Annex, Room 7, at St. Thomas à Becket.
This group is open to men and women; and there is no cost.
If you don’t know how to “stitch”, they will teach you! If you would like a Prayer Shawl for your loved ones or friends, they are free and blessed with prayers.
The Outreach Ministry oversees care to the homebound, ensuring that parishioners receive Holy Communion.
The Outreach Ministry also works with individuals and families who need assistance with resources, referrals, and additional support from the parish on a case-by-case basis.
The projects of this Ministry include: Advent Giving Tree, homebound gifts for Christmas & Easter.
This ministry is entrusted to the care of Saint Joseph the Worker. Volunteers who have a particular skill – such as plumbing, electrical, carpentry, yard work, etc. – help parishioners who may not have the means to take care of household repairs (such as a leaking sink, replace a light bulb, or install a wall-mounted rail for safety in a bathroom). On occasion, If you have an hour or two to volunteer for this ministry please let us know.
Saint Vincent de Paul Society is “A network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.”
“The ministry of a Conference of St. Vincent de Paul is to bring concrete aid and the comfort of the Gospel to those who are poor and suffering” (Manual, p.16). We provide needed goods and services to Friends in Need with the help and guidance of our Parish Outreach social worker.
Meetings are held every other Wednesday, 7:00 PM at the St. Pius X Hall, Room 105 (Campus of St. Elizabeth of Hungary 1 Grove Place, Pittsburgh PA 15236)