First Holy Eucharist and Penance (First Sacraments)
Helping our children to know and grow with Christ, especially through the Sacraments, is the mission of our Sacramental Preparation program.
We partner with parents in preparing the minds and hearts of our children to receive the healing Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, both which are ways Christ fulfills HIS promise to remain with us. Every time we go to Reconciliation and receive God’s forgiveness, He is with us. Every time we go to mass and receive Jesus in the Eucharist, He is with us in a miraculous way.
Celebrating the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion for the first time is typically celebrated in the second grade (special arrangements are made for older children to receive this sacrament). In the Diocese of Pittsburgh, children are required to attend Catholic faith formation classes or Catholic School for a minimum of two consecutive years in preparation for First Sacraments.
Formal preparation begins in second grade. First Reconciliation will be celebrated during Lent and we will welcome our students to receive the Blessed Sacrament at the Altar of our Lord during the Easter season. We expect children to attend weekly Faith Formation or Catholic School, and join us for special preparation sessions/retreats throughout the year.